Friday, June 27, 2008

Look #4-Sporty/Commercial


steve92507 said...

1. Understated playfulness
2. Over the top
3. As the "Love Guru" would say, "Marishka Hargutay"
4. Dazzler!

Anonymous said...

We both like 4.

CANDICE said...

Three and four are my favs. Too hard to choose.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we have to go with this sissy girl stuff, number 4 really rocks because the look on your face is so joyful. (What are you doing in number 2, yodeling for a Swiss Miss ad?) My 30 years of looking at resume photos has taught me one or two points: AND RED IS NOT YOUR COLOR.

Anonymous said...

that red with the background really pops, in a good way. 1,2, and 4 are great.

u can only use 2 in select situations, but i like it.

i'd say 1 or 4 for commercial.